

The next important festival after Christmas is Easter. Similar to Christmas, this festival began as religious one. However, now it is much more commercial.
For the forty days of Lent, religious people have to give something up. For most people, this is chocolate or sweets. The first day after lent is Easter Sunday. So it is traditional to give chocolate Easter eggs on Easter Sunday as a reward for the 40 days before. Normally, inside the egg there are more chocolates or sweets. The egg is symbolic of the stone that was in front of the tomb where Jesus’ body was.
Another tradition on Easter Sunday is to paint egg shells, then go to the top of a hill and roll the eggs down. The first egg to arrive at the bottom is the winner. This is symbolic of rolling the stone from the tomb.
Some people go on an Easter egg hunt too in gardens or forests. These are for children. They believe that the Easter Bunny (a huge rabbit the size of a human) hides Easter eggs for the children to find.